TGSK location in Kempten

What drives us

Corporate policy

We are convinced that quality orientation, environmental protection, safety and risk awareness are an essential success factor in global competition for our products and customers and thus also for our company, business partners and our employees.
Therefore, the quality of our products and services, as well as the consideration of environmental and safety issues, have the highest priority in our company and are an integral part of our corporate philosophy.
Following the objective of sustainable business development, we support our employees developing, respect the guidelines of fair competition and do not accept any kind of discrimination or illegal business practices.
We oblige ourselves to pursue and continuously enhance an integrated management system in accordance with the internationally recognized standards DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001 and relevant occupational health and safety guidelines, to satisfy our claims in the long term. In order to achieve this, the processes must fulfill economic, qualitative, ecological, and energy-efficient plant and occupational safety requirements in a balanced manner. They implement the demands of the relevant regulations within a process-oriented management system. Every employee is integrated into our management system. Through information and training, we encourage a quality, environmental, and safety-conscious behavior from our employees both within and outside our operation. Annual corporate goals and focal points are derived and communicated from the rolling planning of the corporate strategy within the framework of leadership processes.

Quality policy

We want to differentiate ourselves from the competition by supplying turbo gears, turning gears and spare parts of highest quality. High speeds, demanding operating conditions and maximum reliability - to achieve this, we rely on the experience of each individual employee and state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies.
With our worldwide first-class service, we act fast, reliable and flexible with our service experts. We offer diagnostics, spare parts and repairs to help our customers prevent downtimes and system failure.

Guiding principles


The benchmark for the quality of our products and services is set by the customer. The customer is the direct recipient of the goods or service we deliver. We want to measure ourselves against the level of achieved customer satisfaction and the generated benefit for the customer.

Zero defects at the customer

The goal of "zero defects at the customer" requires reliability and stability throughout the entire process chain from supplier to shipment. The factors quality, cost and schedule determine our daily pursuit for optimum customer satisfac-tion.

Continuous improvement

The continuous improvement of products, services and processes guarantees the customer permanent value added compared with the competition and retains the company success. The necessary competence and motivation of our employees contribute significantly to protection of jobs. Qualification and commitment of all employees is the re-quirement for a successful quality policy. For these reasons the management is committed to provide the necessary resources for this purpose.

Environmental policy

As manufacturer for durable goods, we take responsibility for natural resources within the technical and economic capabilities. The laws and regulations are the foundation of our actions. Our environmental policy as integral part of the corporate policy is intended to contribute to the systematic protection of the environment. The sustainable protec-tion of our environment is a mandatory organizational goal. This requires the identification and evaluation of our significant environmental aspects, as well as the fulfillment of established environmental objectives and their review based on measurable criteria.

Guiding principles

More than just certainty of law

We are committed to comply with the laws and regulations on environmental protection. In addition, we want to implement further possible options for environmental protection. We expect our suppliers and contractual partners to hereby support us.

Preventive environmental protection

The environmental impact of each decision is, wherever possible, determined and considered in the overall assessment during planning stage.

Continuous impact mitigation

We are obligated to continuously improve operational environment protection. Accordingly, we measure the success of introduced procedures and motivate our employees to handle natural resources, as well as waste and emissions responsibly.
We want to appropriately inform the public about all the successes of our environmental management.

Safety policy

We are aware of the special social responsibility for our own employees, but also for the employees of customers and suppliers as well as other persons who are in touch with our products and services. Laws and regulations concerning occupational safety, accident prevention and health protection are the foundation of our actions.

Guiding principles

More than just meeting legal obligations

We are committed to comply with occupational safety laws and state of the art accident prevention. We especially take all necessary und economically reasonable safety precautions in order to prevent noxious consequences for our em-ployees.

Preventive occupational health and safety

Aspects of occupational health and safety are, wherever possible, determined and considered in the overall assess-ment during planning stage.

Zero accidents or occupational diseases

We are committed to continuously improve our safety management. Accordingly, we measure the success of intro-duced procedures and motivate our employees to a safety-conscious behavior.

Corporate strategy

  • Strong market position through premium technology, highest quality and flexibility
  • First-class service worldwide
  • Expertise through know-how and highly motivated employees
  • Sustainable and customer-focused operations with business relationships based on partner-ship and fair competition